Here is the link to our Summer Quarter Notes
ear RCCO Members and Friends,
As we announced in our most recent newsletter, Quarter Notes, the Annual General Meeting, Dinner and Service of Worship for the Windsor Essex RCCO will be held on Friday, June 3, 2022 starting from 6:00 pm at the Tecumseh United Church, 333 Lacasse Blvd, Tecumseh.
Our Chaplain, The Rev’d Canon Robert Lemon will lead us in worship and meditation in the Service of Worship, during which our student, Evan Su and the Joanne Quimby Bursary Recipient, Michael Sewell will provide music on the organ.
We will then share a meal and fellowship at which time, we will collect $20 per person to help cover the price of the dinner prepared by the kind folks at Tecumseh United.
The evening will conclude with the annual business meeting of the centre, at which time all members will have an opportunity to receive the program reports, ask questions and vote on the slate of officers on the Executive Committee for the year 2022/2023.
We will also have a presentation on our most recent record – setting project on International Organ Day.
A few days prior to the AGM, you will receive the proposed agenda and Annual Report for 2021/2022.
In the meantime, in order to determine the number of meals to prepare, could you please confirm your attendance by return email or say ‘YES’ when you get a follow-up phone call.
This will be the first time in two years that some of us have seen each other. We urge your attendance and participation. We will of course observe safe protocols and encourage you to wear a mask at all times, except during the dinner.
Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you all on June 3rd!
Great big thank you to the 131 people who came out on Saturday 23 to set the world record for number of people playing the organ in a 2 hour span.
Thank you to the 9 venues who served as our locations.
Thank you to the volunteers who welcomed everyone to their location. You were our first face.
Lastly thank you to the organists who hosted and guided the potential organists.
We are following up with the guests, potential members, and potential organists.
Now comes the challenge to defend our record!