The organ is a truly unique and wonderful musical instrument which is both inspiring to hear and thrilling to play.
Unfortunately, far too few people get the chance to experience this. Furthermore, trends such as the decline of music education in schools have been compounded dramatically by the pandemic restrictions which have seen so many instruments and voices fall silent.
We hope that by observing and participating with other organists around the world on International Organ Day 2022, we will be able to inspire a whole new generation of musicians and enthusiasts to embrace the King of Instruments.
The Executive Committee of the Windsor Essex RCCO has decided to celebrate the organ on Saturday, April 23 by inviting you, the members and friends of our Centre, or anyone with a passion for the organ and its music to take part, either by arranging events themselves or persuading nearby venues with organs to arrange recitals, virtual workshops or demonstrations.
To this end, we are calling an ‘extra-ordinary’ meeting of our members and friends for the purpose of generating ideas and discussing ways to celebrate the organ, and its music and musicians throughout the day on April 23rd in Windsor and across Essex County. We envisage a full day of activities that will not only attract participation but hopefully will entice media and social influencers as well.
This planning meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 25th at 7:00 pm via Zoom. The link to this meeting is below:
Meeting ID: 822 8315 9256 – Passcode: 991929 – Dial-in Number: 855 703 8985
We hope to see you all on the 25th and are looking forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions.
Paul Wharram
President, Windsor Essex Centre, RCCO